Roygent Parks Hanoi Roygent Parks Hanoi




Facility and Services

Facility and Services

Hotel guests also can use facilities and services.

1st floor:
The large public baths (men’s bath and women’s bath) are inspired by the Onsen(hot spring) of a Japanese inn, making it a space where you forget to be in Vietnam.
The men’s bath also has a sauna. There is no sauna in the women’s bath, but in some times the men’s bath is used as a women’s bath so that women can use it.

There are pool and BBQ space in outdoor. BBQ makes a reservation at 2nd floor restaurant(THE DINING) and you can enjoy BBQ just bring yourself.

24th floor:
We have gym and party Room. The party room has a Kids room where children can play, and also we have about 1000 books.
Wi-Fi is also available, so you can work on a PC etc.
There is also a shuttle bus exclusively for residents and guests, which operates in the Old Town and Ho Tay etc.

2nd floor:THE DINING
Breakfast is buffet style. There are lunch and dinner, cafe and bar.


Contact Us

For inquiries about hotel stay or living in Roygent Parks Hanoi
please contact here.

(+84)24-3232-3750 (+84)24-3232-3750 (English, Japanese,
Korean and Vietnamese)